If you need help and want to speak to someone right away, please call the 24-hour AA Hotline: (925) 939-4155

Zoom Meeting List

Day Time Meeting Zoom Dial-in Meeting ID Password
Sunday 8:30 AM Sunday Serenity https://zoom.us/j/5739307809?pwd=cHZJaVpDL3FSdHYyanphVC9ES2Q3QT09 ☎️ (669) 900-9128 🆔 573 930 7809 121212
Tuesday 6:30 AM Design for Living https://zoom.us/j/5739307809?pwd=cHZJaVpDL3FSdHYyanphVC9ES2Q3QT09 ☎️ (669) 900-6833 🆔 573 930 7809 121212
Tuesday 6:00 PM Women’s Step Study (Women Only) new https://zoom.us/j/5739307809?pwd=cHZJaVpDL3FSdHYyanphVC9ES2Q3QT09

old https://zoom.us/j/84333661959

☎️ (669) 900-6833 🆔 573 930 7809 121212
Wednesday 6:30 AM Steps & Traditions https://zoom.us/j/5739307809?pwd=cHZJaVpDL3FSdHYyanphVC9ES2Q3QT09 ☎️ (669) 900-6833 🆔 573 930 7809 121212
Wednesday 12:00 PM AA Grapevine https://zoom.us/j/5739307809?pwd=cHZJaVpDL3FSdHYyanphVC9ES2Q3QT09 ☎️ (669) 900-6833 🆔 573 930 7809 121212
Saturday 7:00 AM Roadrunners (Men Only)(Hybrid) https://zoom.us/j/5739307809?pwd=cHZJaVpDL3FSdHYyanphVC9ES2Q3QT09 ☎️ (669) 900-6833 🆔 573 930 7809 121212
Saturday 8:00 PM Big Speaker Mtg (First Saturday of Month)(Hybrid) https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88580839460?pwd=ZE8yZDNBMXdPR21rOVJSdkpMZ2VDQT09 ☎️ (669) 444-9171 🆔 885 8083 9460 🔑 146975